The Occasional 1

Today saw the first issue of The Occasional, a off-shoot of The Fortnightly (which recently reached issue 170), for paid subscribers of the older newsletter. Both are on Substack.

Sincere thanks to all paying supporters: their contributions defray website and other costs, but more importantly are uplifting donations of appreciation, and encourage me to sink more time into the project.

This first Occasional (the second will come in a month’s time) features my summer reading plans, short reviews of other books, a post on James Shapiro’s new book The Playbook: A Story of Theater, Democracy, and the Making of a Culture War (a fascinating story about the Federal Theater Project of the late 1930s), the lovely documentary Birdsong, the renovated Folger Shakespeare Society, and typewriters.

You can sign up for The Occasional via The Fortnightly, by taking out any kind of paid subscription.

The Occasional, issue 1. by Julian Girdham

Summer reading, James Shapiro, short stories, birdsong.

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