The 'King Lear scene by scene' series

My podcast series on King Lear is linked to below, with new scenes being added here as they are published. All original posts have transcripts.

Also on podcast services like Spotify, Apple and more (search for my name).

Many thanks to all who have bought ‘coffees’ to support the project.

  1. Act 1 scene 1: the memorable and explosive opening, which sets up the subsequently disastrous events of the narrative.

  2. Act 1 scene 2: introducing the sub-plot starting with the memorable Edmund.

  3. Act 1 scenes 3 and 4: themes of loyalty and service, and of course of blindness, which is everywhere. Also, dog-owners look away.

  4. Act 1 scene 5, Act 2 scenes 1 and 2: three short scenes which mark Lear’s growing isolation, and a sense that darker forces are gathering strength.

  5. Act 2, scenes 3 and 4: scenes connected by the idea ‘nothing’.

  6. Act 3, scenes 1, 2 and 3: the storm starts.

  7. Act 3 scenes 4 and 6 (scene 5 skipped).

  8. Act 3 scene 7: the notorious scene in which we witness the blinding of Gloucester, and how the idea of seeing and blindness ramifies throughout the play.

  9. Act 4 scene 1: the aftermath of Gloucester’s blinding, and a reflection of the character arc of Albany.

  10. Act 4 scenes 3, 4, 5, 6: including the extraordinary scene 6, which sees Lear and Gloucester meeting again.

  11. Act 4 scene 7 & Act 5 scenes 1 and 2: a relatively quiet section between the tumultuous Act 4 scene 6 and the climax of the play.