Fortnightly 171

The Fortnightly returns today from its summer holidays, with edition 171. It started in 2016, so here we go for the 9th academic year.

In 171, among other things in a bumper issue: George Eliot and Naomi Klein (curious partners), Judi Dench and Brendan O’Hea on Shakespeare, Claire Keegan, George Saunders and David Sedaris, David Runciman on Middlemarch, Macbeth resources, Conor Murphy on AI (not) in English teaching, James Durran on disciplinary literacy, grade inflation in the Leaving Certificate, Karen Swallow Prior on Donne’s flea, Henry Oliver on Philip Larkin, and the typewriter dance. Plus yet more.

171: Nobody's pig had died. by Julian Girdham

A bumper start to the academic year. George Eliot, Naomi Klein, Claire Keegan, Judi Dench & Shakespeare, George Saunders & David Sedaris, Macbeth, and much more.

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