A special Fortnightly on English teaching and AI

Out this morning, squeezing in between Fortnightlies 172 and 173, is a special one issue edition on English teaching in the age of AI.

  • What ‘problem’ is AI addressing in English teaching? Does it create problems?

  • What place does AI have in assessment?

  • Can AI really help develop writing?

And lots more points, made eloquently by the likes of Marc Watkins, John Warner, Daisy Christodoulou, Áine Hyland, Leon Furze, Conor Murphy, Dan Meyer, Bennie Kara, Jane Rozenzweig, Chanea Bond, Benjamin Riley and more.

English teaching, AI and the thermostatic principle by Julian Girdham

A one-off issue between Fortnightlies 172 and 173: the latter will be along this time next week, followed by an Occasional for paid subscribers in two weeks.

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