Running the Room
Tom Bennett’s new book Running the Room: the teacher’s guide to behaviour is a rich source of advice on the most fundamental thing for all learning. If behaviour is poor in a classroom, all pupils’ learning suffers.
Read MoreTom Bennett’s new book Running the Room: the teacher’s guide to behaviour is a rich source of advice on the most fundamental thing for all learning. If behaviour is poor in a classroom, all pupils’ learning suffers.
Read MoreThe central metaphor of King Lear is blindness and seeing: this essay explores that idea.
Read MoreJames Shapiro’s outstanding 1606: Shakespeare and the year of Lear, is a great resource for teachers of the play, as well as of the other two plays Shakespeare wrote in that extraordinary period, Macbeth and Antony and Cleopatra. Here are some notes that refer to Lear, especially from the chapter ‘Leir to Lear’, in which Shapiro examines how Shakespeare reshaped the main source text, King Leir.
Read MoreTeaching Walkthrus is a stimulating resource: practical ideas are laid down with great precision. It will help a lot of teachers to clarify their practice.
Read MoreDorian Lynskey’s The Ministry of Truth: a biography of George Orwell’s 1984 is a superb introduction to the novel, and a vital read for English teachers.
Read MoreClosing the Reading Gap is a sibling to Alex Quigley’s previous book, Closing the Vocabulary Gap, and joins it in being one of the most accessible, interesting and helpful books on education in recent years.
Read MoreHere’s a Quizlet set for those preparing Wordsworth for the Leaving Certificate. Even if you’re not learning these quotations, they should prompt thoughts about key ideas in the poems. The reverse ‘answer’ side includes brief comments on significance. The main thing: use the quotations for thinking purposes.
Read Moreit is particularly welcome that at this time one of the sharpest minds in education, Daisy Christodoulou, should turn her attention to the relationship between teaching and technology. Here are some thoughts on her third book, Teachers vs Tech? the case for an ed tech revolution.
Read MoreDuring these uncertain and anxious times for pupils, here is a summary of some resources for Leaving Certificate English candidates that may be helpful when working at home. Regular updates coming.
Read MoreHere are some exercises on quotations in Hamlet. They are designed for pair-work 10-minute sessions in class, but work perfectly well for individuals. You need to know the play well, so these are for revision at a late stage. The purpose is to make your mind work hard.
Read MoreShakespeare’s four great tragedies all open in uncertainty and discomfort. In Macbeth, three ‘weird’ figures of indeterminate gender speak in riddles. In Othello, two men mutter obscurely in a Venetian street, one telling the other of his contempt for his own boss, and then the two rouse the house of a respected Senator. In King Lear, two noblemen discuss with dismay how the aged King is favouring one Duke over another, following which the said King, appallingly, slices up his own kingdom.
Read MoreWe are in a golden age of writing about teaching, much of which (though not all) has been prompted by online connections and blogs. Here is a small selection of books aimed at English teaching, or which will be of interest to English teachers. It will be added to gradually.
I gave the keynote presentation at the Irish National Organisation of Teachers of English annual conference in October 2019 in Portlaoise. It’s below (I hope plenty of it doesn’t make sense, since it depends on the commentary).
‘The Building Blocks of the English Classroom’ looked at vocabulary, how cognitive science can assist us, ways of increasing reading, and how modelling can help.
A new venture for Thursday 23rd April 2020 (Shakespeare's birthday): an evening dedicated to sharing ideas about teaching Leaving Certificate English.
Venue: Whispering House at our school, (which was the venue on October 5th for the first-ever Irish researchED) in South Dublin. 7.00pm to 9.00pm. It will be free to attend, but will be ticketed (ticketing via EventBrite later down the line). See the venue here.
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